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KPMG Services

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KPMG Services

Management Assurance Services

A director is responsible to the corporation, its people, shareholders, lenders and creditors. Any appointment brings with it onerous responsibilities and personal liabilities, under both common and statutory law. Directors must, before accepting appointment, ensure that they have a sound understanding of the corporation's activities and that they are able to fulfil their roles and responsibilities.

The King Report recommended the establishment of an audit committee, which should be independent of executive directors. This committee will, as one of its many tasks, need to ensure that the quality and reliability of financial information is sound and that the financial statements are true and fair. This should include a review of the internal control structure. In many cases this function will need to be upgraded to meet the requirements of King and to give the directors the assurance they require. To provide such protection, internal audit departments that do not already do so will need to go beyond their traditional roles and address financial and business risks.

Product description

KPMG's Management Assurance Services department can provide management with the requisite level of assurance to address their concerns in both financial and operational areas. Our approach focuses on business risks and we work with management to identify their needs taking into account key performance indicators and critical success factors. The actions adopted by management should be approved by the audit committee.

KPMG can provide specialist skills, including those outside of financial areas, that entities may not ordinarily be able to finance due to the cost of employing and retaining appropriately qualified staff.

We have recognised the need for corporations to review their internal audit function and there are three ways in which we can be of assistance:

  1. conduct a peer review to ensure that sound internal audit processes are in place;
  2. become involved in a partial outsourcing arrangement;
  3. conduct the whole internal audit function as an outsource provider.

Our processes are carefully planned and developed in conjunction with management to be efficient and cost effective. We focus on high level controls and information streams upon which management rely and which will ultimately allow them to discharge their responsibilities.

Our action plans will assist the development of a robust internal control framework and provide the directors and management with assurance that business risks critical to the success of the enterprise are being properly managed.

Virtual library

For a complete list of material available on our internet site, go to our virtual library

Contact us

For more information, please contact one of our Management Assurance partners.