
KPMG In South Africa

KPMG In Africa

KPMG Services

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KPMG Services


Environmental Services

Environmental Services

The 1997 KPMG-IEF Top Companies Environment Survey found that the environment is already regarded as a strategic issue by three quarters of South Africa’s top companies. The overwhelming majority agreed that the significance of environmental issues for their companies would increase over the next five years. These attitudes are being driven by changes in legislative requirements, stakeholder expectations, financiers’ criteria and the limits of the ecosystem.

Product description

In response, KPMG has developed business advisory and auditing services in 27 countries which enable its clients to deal with these issues proactively. KPMG's environmental services in South Africa are:

  • Environmental Management

    Aligning corporate strategy, policy, operations and communication with environmental objectives towards compliance with internationally recognised standards such as ISO14001.

  • Environmental Accounting and Reporting

    Calculating and correctly reporting past, present and anticipated future environmentally-related costs and benefits incurred or caused by the business, and advising on their financial implications.

  • Environmental Investigations

    Due diligence or liability investigations related to corporate transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, property transfer and stock market listing, as well as advising on environmentally-related litigation.

  • Environmental auditing

    Systematic, documented, periodic and objective evaluation of environmental management systems, information systems, reports and any other environmental claims being made by companies.

  • Environmental training

    Internationally approved courses (between two and five days) on environmental management systems and environmental auditing, ideal for developing practical in-house skills as well as obtaining international registration as an environmental auditor.

  • Environmental software

    Life cycle assessment and process reengineering software to aid in material, energy and waste flow management.

Virtual library

For a complete list of material available on our internet site, go to our virtual library

Contact us

Should you require any further information, please contact:

Wayne Visser, Environmental consultant (Cape Town)